Next Tuesday, the European Parliament is going to vote on a legislation which could ban around a quarter of pesticides in the EU. Gordon Brown, Hilary Benn, along with farmers and industry have denounced the legislation’s spurious scientific grounds and its potential consequences; lower yields, increased food prices and a fatal blow to crops like carrots.
But it seems as though the EU isn’t just shooting itself in the foot; a new report by the Campaign for Fighting Diseases reveals that the legislation could also undermine the market for public health insecticides and seriously damage the fight against malaria in Africa.
Insecticide markets are based almost entirely on crop protection; public health insecticides represent only around one percent of the total pesticides market. Without the agricultural market, production for public health will almost certainly become unsustainable. At best, insecticides will become harder to get a hold of and more expensive. There will also be little incentive for industry to invest in research and development of new insecticides.
It is also likely that the EU will apply import restrictions so that foreign producers are subject to the same conditions as EU farmers. This trade barrier will leave countries with the terrible choice of banning public health insecticides or losing the lucrative EU market for exports.
This legislation runs against EU support to eradicate malaria and encourage agricultural exports from Africa. Before they vote, EU policymakers should stop and consider how the world’s most vulnerable people will be affected by their decision.
Notice of EPA pesticide meeting on April 27 to 29, 2009. Public welcome.
You may be potentially affected by this action if you are interested in SFIREG information exchange relationship with EPA regarding important issues related to human health, environmental exposure to pesticides, and insight into EPA's decision-making process.
[EPA-HQ-OPP-2009-0008; FRL-8403-2]
State Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act; Working Committee's on Environmental Quality Issues and Pesticides Operations Management
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The Association of American Pesticide Control Officials (AAPCO)/State FIFRA Issues Research and Evaluation Group (SFIREG) Working Committee's on Environmental Quality Issues and Pesticides Operations Management will hold a 2-day meeting, beginning on April 27, 2009 and ending April 28, 2009. This notice announces the location and times for the meeting and sets forth the tentative agenda topics.
DATES: The meeting will be held on Monday, April 27, 2009 from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and 8:30 a.m to 12 noon on Tuesday April 28, 2009
To request accommodation of a disability, please contact the person listed under FOR FURTHER INFORMATON CONTACT, preferably at least 10 days prior to the meeting, to give EPA as much time as possible to process your request.
ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held at EPA. One Potomac Yard (South Bldg.) 2777 Crystal Dr., Arlington VA. 4th Floor South Conference Room.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ron Kendall, Field and External Affairs Division (7506P), Office of Pesticide Programs, Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20460-0001; telephone number: (703) 305-5561 fax number: (703) 308-1850; e-mail address: [email protected]. or Grier Stayton, SFIREG Executive Secretary, P.O. Box 466, Milford DE 19963; telephone number (302) 422-8152; fax (302) 422-2435; e-mail address: [email protected].
I. General Information
A. Does this Action Apply to Me?
You may be potentially affected by this action if you are interested in SFIREG information exchange relationship with EPA regarding important issues related to human health, environmental exposure to pesticides, and insight into EPA's decision-making process. You are invited and encouraged to attend the meetings and participate as appropriate. Potentially affected entities may include, but are not limited to:
Those persons who are or may be required to conduct testing of chemical substances under the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetics Act (FFDCA), or the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA).
This information came from
Posted by: Cindy Findley | 25 February 2009 at 03:35 PM